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It’s The F*cking Party!

Pop That - The Party


This weekend marks two very special nights for me and others on the Dallas/Texas scenes. For the first time since 2009, The Party (DJs Nature, Select and me) will be rocking back-to-back shindigs at It’ll Do for Central Track’s monthly Pop That in Dallas and Boondocks in Houston! As many of you Dallasites and Texans know, anywhere The Party rocked from 2006-2009 were THE places to be. We brought together like-minded people, played rowdy music and ushered in a new era of TX nightlife. Whether you were present throughout our heyday or are part of the new wave of party-goers, we hope you will dust off your air horns, allover print tees, dunks and bandanas and come wild the hell out with us. It’s the f*cking party!!